Contact us
We are located at 181 Northdown Road, Cliftonville, Margate, Kent. CT9 2PA
We are located at 181 Northdown Road, Cliftonville, Margate, Kent. CT9 2PA
phone: 01843 223221 and for our latest news see our Facebook page: S.T.Jewellers | Margate | Facebook
phone: 01843 223221 and for our latest news see our Facebook page: S.T.Jewellers | Margate | Facebook
Even Ticker helps in the shop
Northdown Road is the equivalent of a High Street, in the early 20th Century Cliftonville was the up-market end of Margate with grand town houses, now Northdown Road is re-living those times with a range of specialist shops including many unique and upmarket coffee shops and cafes, several pubs and bars and of course a family owned Jewellers. Cliftonville is part of Margate which in turn is part of Thanet District together with both Ramsgate and Broadstairs.
Northdown Road is the equivalent of a High Street, in the early 20th Century Cliftonville was the up-market end of Margate with grand town houses, now Northdown Road is re-living those times with a range of specialist shops including many unique and upmarket coffee shops and cafes, several pubs and bars and of course a family owned Jewellers. Cliftonville is part of Margate which in turn is part of Thanet District together with both Ramsgate and Broadstairs.